Updated WhatsApp: Reminders, Alerts
Despite the scandalous statement by the creator of WhatsApp, Pavel Durov, to remove the utility, the messenger does not lose popularity. A confirmation of this was the software update..
What changed
At the end of the last code, WhatsApp programmers turned the app to the dark side. That is, they developed a black theme for the interface. The version was trial. For testing, users submitted applications on the official website.
To the surprise of the creators who wished there were a couple of million.
Now Votsap is back with an updated engine. This time the messenger was equipped with a reminder function, turning it into a calendar organizer. You can also create tasks in the program..
Essence of the work
WhatsApp programmers created updated functionality with the Any.do reminder service. The development was called WhatsApp Reminders.
One drawback stands out – the use of the function is available only for a paid subscription.
“WhatsApp excludes ads, ordinary users use the messenger freely. However, the program must be profitable. The developed function is aimed at representatives of medium-sized businesses, said a spokesman for Votsap. – The test version is limited. The upgrade will take place in three weeks “.
To activate alerts, first of all, you need to connect a paid subscription. This is done on the official website of the company or directly in the program.
When the subscription is issued:
- Open messenger.
- Find bot Any.do. To do this, enter a name in the search bar.
- Start a conversation.
- Show assistant time reminder.
Votsap allows you to automatically create reminders. To do this, it is enough to send the bot a letter from another person.
The number of alerts is unlimited.
Now the robot supports English and other languages.
How to access
Even if the account is created on a prepaid basis, functionality is not available until the codes are updated. For this:
- Open Play Market, App Store, official site.
- Find the program.
- Tap “Update”.
Installation lasts a minute. Registered users do not need re-authorization. The account is “pulled up” automatically.
Updates will also help to avoid bugs, prevent errors.
WhatsApp is gaining popularity daily. Different categories of people actively use the messenger. Developers are forced to create new functionality, an interface, to compete with multiple utilities for quick communication.