How to remove option T9 in Vatsap
Using the T9 function was in demand at the time of push-button phones. With its application, a simplified set of text messages. The work of modern applications due to this function can be complicated, so many are interested in how to disable T9 in “Vatsap” or other systems.
Entering text through the T9 was a great success in its time among push-button mobile phones.
What is T9 in the phone
T9 (text on 9 keys) is a system for typing letters that “guesses” combinations. When the user clicks on the buttons with signs, the program selects similar words and allows you to quickly add text. It uses the internal device dictionary.
T9 is not only in obsolete phone models, an analogue of the function is also built into modern devices running on the Android platform.
Many phone owners believe that typing messages on the keyboard is more productive. It is not so fast, but it allows you to avoid mistakes. Using the auto-correction mode can rephrase a message or individual words, distorting the original meaning. So that at a time when you need to urgently type and send text, you don’t have to waste time correcting words, you can turn off auto-typing.
T9 program offers words that a person most often uses in his correspondence.
Pros and cons
Like other options, the T9 has significant advantages and disadvantages that should be taken into account.
Advantages of T9:
- Allows faster typing.
- The text is more literate.
Disadvantages of T9:
- The internal vocabulary used in T9 operation should have a large number of words. If it is not, writing will be difficult.
- Can pick the wrong word.
Removing T9 on iOS
There is no T9 function on iPhones – it was available on old-style phones equipped with a limited set of buttons, with which you could dial combinations of characters, numbers and letters. Modern smartphones have an auto-correction mode, which is still called the T9.
Disabling the keyboard for auto-correction and word replacement.
If the user does not like this type of word set, they turn it off. The procedure takes no more than a couple of minutes, regardless of the smartphone model. For its implementation, the actions should be as follows:
- Go to settings menu.
- Go to the section designated as “Basic”.
- Scroll down the page, find the subsection “Keyboard” and go into it.
- To disable the “Auto Correction” option, the slider is moved to the inactive state.
- If necessary, reverse the procedure.
Additional features
The user can customize the function of printing texts in accordance with personal preferences. The set of words is therefore simplified. The smartphone’s owner has the opportunity to fill up his vocabulary with abbreviations, set the sentence start with a capital letter, set up the selection of words in which mistakes were made.
Among the additional features is the activation of the mode in which variants of the continuation of phrases are offered. To do this, in the “Keyboard” subsection, you must enable predictive dialing.
Delete T9 on Android
You can remove the T9 along with the keyboard, which was installed by default by the developers. To do this, go to “Settings” and look for the “Applications” item there. A list of programs installed on Android opens. Among them we find the keyboard that is used, click on it. Now click one of the three: “Delete”, “Stop”, “Disable”.
In the section “Language and input” there are keyboard settings.
In order to preserve the possibility of typing, before deleting, you need to download any other keyboard from the market (Play Market, AppStore).
Shutdown through system settings
You can disable the program using the system settings as follows. First you need to find the tab “Language and input”, all tasks will be performed there. This item is located in the device settings. On phones, the location of the tab may vary, but most often it is in the “System” or “Additional” blocks (the icon looks like this – “…”).
After the item “Language and input” is found, you need to go into it and find the block “Keyboard and input methods”. It should have a tab “Virtual Keyboard”, if available, open. It may not appear, then the input device that is used will be visible in the block. You need to click on the “gear” next to the keyboard, go to “Corrections”, activate the option “Never offer.” After the current procedures, restart the WhatsApp.
If there is a virtual option in the block, open it and find the letter input device that is used. By clicking on it, we go to the “Input” tab, then to “Input and correction”, where you need to disable auto-correction. The instruction does not fit all brands of smartphones, but the action plan is about the same everywhere.
Via keyboard
To disable T9, you need to download the program Gboard or SwiftKey. One of them or both can already be installed on the device as the default keyboard, then you do not need to download anything. Click on any input field, the on-screen button panel appears. Now you need to click on the “+” icon, a new panel will open with different symbols.
Gboard is an on-screen keyboard created by Google for Android and iOS devices..
You need to click on the image of the “gear”, so that the settings appear. To switch items, shift the checkboxes next to them. When the inscription “Auto-correction” is found, it should be disabled by clicking on the checkmark located next to.
Deactivate Auto Correction Mode
Deactivating auto-correction on an iPhone is easy. After that, the use of instant messengers, such as WhatsApp, becomes more convenient. A step-by-step instruction for disabling looks like this:
- Go to the settings tab.
- Find the line “Language and input”.
- When you click on it, a list of features opens, in which you need to select “Intelligent dialing”.
- Find the item indicated by the word “Auto Correction” or T9, and turn it off by moving the slider.
On most models of modern phones, you can remove auto mode in the same way. If there are several keyboards installed on the gadget, you must carefully select one of them to work. When performing deactivation, actions are performed for the one that is used more often.
Turn off similar features
Text input application developers not only offer T9. To check which of them are available on your device, you need to perform simple steps.
In the keyboard settings, find the position indicated by “Advanced”. Its menu contains functions that are able to automatically edit any of the typed texts. After disconnecting them, the owner of the gadget can safely work with the keyboard as he wants, and type any messages in “Vatsap”.